

Create your own user feedback survey



All feedback is appreciated



Feedback is treated confidentially with information used for the purpose of reviewing and improving care and services.

Why do we encourage feedback?

  1. Provides information what we do well, and what we could do better
  2. Assists in the allocation of resources to make improvements in the most appropriate areas

What type of feedback can you provide?

  • Compliments – are an opportunity to recognise and acknowledge the work done by staff throughout the Health Service
  • Complaints – are investigated with in each department concerned and suitable actions taken
  • Suggestions – for improvement – are considered independently with regard to relevance and feasibility, and adopting where appropriate

What happens with feedback?

  • Managed by Quality Department
  • Entered onto feedback register and reviewed
  • Serious complaints or those unable to be resolved at departmental level are referred to Executive staff for action.

Feedback box and forms located

  • Front reception of Administration building
  • Front reception Health Hub
  • Acute Facility
  • Allawah
  • Karana
  • Warrina

How can you provide feedback?

  • Speak directly to staff member
  • Complete a Compliment/Complaints form
  • Write a letter directly to CEO, Director of Clinical Services or Quality Manager
  • Complete the electronic form above

If you feel that the issues have not been addressed at Yarrawonga Health, then you are able to escalate to any of the below mentioned agencies: