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Testing boosted at Yarrawonga amid growing regional transmission

Monday, 23 August 2021


Yarrawonga Health urges our community to stand united with kindness and understanding in the fight against COVID-19 in the wake of growing community transmission and escalating case numbers across the region.

Yarrawonga Health CEO Elaine Mallows said “Now is the time for everyone with even the mildest of symptoms to come forward and get tested. We know as a border community and as a neighbour to Shepparton the threat of COVID 19 is real and its impacts are significant right across the region. We understand that people are tired, it’s been a tough couple of weeks, and lots of bad news close to home, but we simply must hang in there. We must commit to the long haul. Paying attention to the small things we can do individually to contribute to the fight against COVID-19 will work. We need everyone to focus on things like getting tested, keeping up to date on exposure sites listed within our region, wearing a mask, being mindful of hygiene practices and maintaining social distancing if around others. And of course, getting vaccinated as soon as you are eligible.” 

Yarrawonga Health continues to boost the community’s access to timely COVID-19 testing and vaccination, with extended hours of operation for testing now available, 7 days a week.  The Yarrawonga Health Vaccination Clinic has also extended hours of operation, with vaccination available from 9am to 4pm every Friday and an additional clinic this Saturday 28th August from 9.30am to 4pm.  The community can access vaccination by ringing 03 5871 0950.

Yarrawonga Health is encouraging everyone in the community to continue to come forward and get tested, at the slightest onset of any symptoms, even if they have traditionally suffered from allergies or hay fever, with current transmission rates within our region escalating, Yarrawonga Health teams are urging the community to get tested.  

CEO Elaine Mallows is also encouraging people to reach out to family and friends to support each other during this time and to remind people to follow the restrictions put in place by the Victorian Government.

“Now is the time for us all to unite and work together as a community to keep everyone safe, and to ensure that we do not have under the radar transmission in Yarrawonga” CEO Elaine Mallows said. “The Delta variant is incredibly contagious, regenerates rapidly after transmission and will infect multiple members of a household once there is an infection.”

As a health service Yarrawonga Health continues to scale up its capacity in response to the emerging situation and is committed to supporting our regional partners as required.  

Anyone can arrange testing by booking an appointment on 03 57438111, option 0 between 8am and 2pm.  To assist with the speed of the process please pre-register after you have arranged your booking by https://www.yh.org.au/COVID-19/Getting-Tested. To access vaccination please call 03 5871 0950.

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