

International Day of the Nurse

International Day of the Nurse

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Globally, there are more than 20 million nurses and every single one of them have their own story. They know about hope and courage, joy and despair, pain and suffering, and life and death. As an ever-present force for good, Nurses play a critical role in in the delivery of healthcare across an individual’s life span. They hear the first cries of newborn babies and witness the last breaths of the dying. Nurses play critical functions in preventing, diagnosing and treating a wide range of medical issues.

The world Health organisation has declared the year 2020 as the year of the nurse and midwife. The year 2020 marks the bicentenary (200 year) of the birth of Florence Nightingale. Florence Nightingale was the founder of modern nursing, her work transformed nursing into a well-respected profession. Nightingale set the scene for patient centred care, this means patients are at the heart of all decisions about their health.  

Patient centred care refers to a person receiving healthcare with dignity and respect whilst involving them in all decisions about their health and where every patient’s beliefs, values and cultural background is respected, every time. At Yarrawonga Health we are proud of all our incredible nursing teams who are committed to delivering individual tailored contemporary care based on best practice.

Yarrawonga Health employs over 150 nurses and midwives across a range of services with significant focus on professional educational opportunities to advance their careers in health. At Yarrawonga Health nurses are specialised in a range of areas including; Perioperative services, District Nursing, Aged Care, midwifery, Urgent Care, Acute and Dialysis.  

We acknowledge every single one of our nurses and midwives and all the vital work they do for our community and the extra effort to go above and beyond, especially this year where we faced many challenges.

The month of May marks both International day of the midwife (May 5) and International day of the nurse (May 12). Once a year we celebrate these days and “take a minute to reflect on the amazing contribution all our midwives provide for women and babies in their care” Kaye Gall, Director of clinical services as our midwives celebrate international day of the midwife on Tuesday May 5, 2020. “We take this opportunity to celebrate our nurses who consistently provide and deliver exceptional care, particularly I want acknowledge their professionalism, courage and compassion during this pandemic period. Happy nurses’ day.” Elaine Mallows, Chief Executive Officer.